Sunday, April 17, 2011

Is It Wicked Not To Care?

 ER/Easy Recognition/WY Brothers/Negativ Trend

John Easley '89'
Probably the oldest moniker photo I've seen this year. John Easley is also the man reponsible for Coaltrain. 

ER/Easy Recognition/Wasted Youth Bros/Neg. Trnd.

ER/Easy Recognition/Retard Strength

I love this dude's work for obvious reasons. 

Big Bad Leroy Drown.

Highpockets flycasting has improved markedly as of late. If everything goes according to plan, he, chad, and I will be hopping a freight train this Friday, bound for somewhere far away! This one is from 06, and I'm real stoked on it. 

The Solo Artist.


"I've got a philosophy....and maybe I'm wrong...or..or... maybe my philosophy is fucked up ok?....but there's two things I do not like....and these make me a bum....that's Responsibility, and Authority. I'm serious. I mean...I'll....I'll give you anything I've got...if you ask me for it, or I'll do anything you want me to, if you ask me to do it.............but if you tell me I got to do it...there's something inside me....and I've been this way since I was a child.....there's something inside of me that, fuck this motherfucker."

Coaltrain '07'
Another favourite of mine. Sometimes his hair and moustache are filled in, and I prefer that to the outlined version. This is by John Easley, who's been doing these for many years, although the OG Coaltrain was an old black hobo, who didn't lie, cheat, or steal....or something along those lines.


Ugly Bat.


Rail Road Rally? 
Never seen this one before. Not sure about the name, but it's kind of a snoozefest. 

Ox '97'

Pretty sure dude is local. Cool shit. 

Chimney Fox '01'?
My first and only time seeing this. I think it's tight, and was on a really strange Union Pacific car. 

Golden West.
Marysville WA. is such a dump. I was there two weeks ago, scribbling, and the whole town is so incredibly bleak. 

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