Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ceremonial Pissing

Dogtanian & the 3 Musketdogs

I've been watching this cartoon a lot lately, and I find the theme song to be perhaps the best piece of music created by humankind, ever. It also makes me really sad for reasons you fools aren't allowed to know. 

Miten menee? Olen huolissani ajautumassa sinua koko ajan, jamitä aion sanoa tai miten aion toimia. Toivon, että te teette hyvin,ja että olet onnellinen. Minun suomalaisista on todella kauheaa!


Been reading about Thalidomide lately also. Incredibly sad. 

Thalidomide first appeared in Germany on 1st October 1957. It was marketed as a sedative with apparently remarkably few side effects. The Drug Company who developed it believed it was so safe it was suitable for prescribing to pregnant women to help combat morning sickness.
It was quickly being prescribed to thousands of women and spread to most corners of the globe. Nobody had any idea of what was to follow. Drug testing procedures were far more relaxed at this time, and although tests had taken place on thalidomide, they didn't reveal any of its tetragenic (roughly meaning causing malformations) properties. In most countries, drug companies were not required to submit testing results to the appropriate government agencies.
The tests on thalidomide were conducted on rodents which metabolise the drug in a different way to humans. Later tests on rabbits and monkeys produced the same horrific side effects as in humans.
Towards the end of the fifties, children began to be born with shocking disabilities. It was not immediately obvious what the cause of this was. Probably the most renowned is Pharcomelia, the name given to the flipper-like limbs which appeared on the children of women who took thalidomide. Babies effected by this tragedy were given the name 'Thalidomide Babies'.


watch a video of drunk interview with frank gerwer and tony morioairiroito HERE

dudes are funny.

Tomorrow I don't have to work, but I still get paid. Somehow. Same with the next number of days. On Saturday, I am going to try and hop on an Eastbound freight train. Destination: Saint Elsewhere. A little worried about going through the siral tunnels, which sometimes take 45 minutes....which a young dude would spend breathing diesel fumes and trying not to pass out from lack of oxygen. If the weather is frightful, I'm just going to go camping instead. 

Goo, what else is new? Schooling time, come September. Maybe.  Hrmmwhat else.....I am legally allowed to purchase and fire any firearm allowed in Canada. It was a process! Doing a new band with some dudes. The punk and hardcore scenes in vancouver need more women, and womeny vibes. 

Been feeling the book Mr. Got To it to get stoked, vancouver content! 

ACAB-Still No Exceptions
Snitches Are A Dying Breed


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