Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Beat My Guest

I've always thought David Shrigley was kind of funny. 

The one below made me spit Orange Crush on the keyboard. 

On a less comedic note, I've never found Mediumistic artist Madge Gill's drawings to be funny. More terror inducing. I wonder if Nick Blinko was a fan.......

"She claimed to be guided by a spirit she called "Myrninerest" (my inner rest) and often signed her works in this name. The figure of a young woman in intricate dress appeared thousands of times in her work, and is often thought to be a representation of herself or her lost daughter. She drew this woman in various moods and appearances, almost never showing her entire body, and with her clothes interwoven into the surrounding complex of lines and patterns. She rarely exhibited her work and never sold any pieces out of fear of angering "Myrninerest". After her first son, Bob, died in 1958 she started drinking heavily and stopped drawing."

Although best known for portraits and fancy stuff, Hans Holbein the Younger's engravings are tight. His painting "Christ In The Tomb" is also a gnarler, and on the cover of a recent copy of Dostoevsky's The Idiot. 

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