Sunday, January 30, 2011




Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"However, there are copious records of the abuse of the Free Spirit interpretation of Scripture to justify sexual licentiousness, violence, robbery and rape."

"The ultimate disgrace is aptly revealed in the title of 'Creator' applied to a God who has created [or fathered] from his own substance a universe in which his creatures, deprived of his resources, begin in a state of total deprivation and progress toward nothingness. A desert valley irrigated with tears is a rather pathetic creation. It is not difficult to understand how the men and women who tried to establish a paradise on earth, here and now, saw themselves as superior to God.
To which we can only say, Amen."

Raoul Vaneigem is the author of a book titled "The Movement Of The Free Spirit", from which the above quote is taken. It's essentially a synopsis of the lay Christian movement bearing the same name, or Brethren of the Free Spirit. One of the more interesting thing's I've read, although probably incredibly boring to someone with no vested interest in Christianity or particularly the idea of sin. Believing that to sin was an impossibility, adherents to "Free Spirit" theology reportedly engaged in some extreme acts, including, but not limited to hallucinogen-fueled orgies culminating in the cannibalization of one's sexual partner/s. I can only imagine how much simpler that would make things.

Rene Girard

Easily my favourite non-fiction author, and one of the 20th centuries most underrated thinkers. His book, "I see Satan Fall Like Lightning" is one of the most important things I've ever read, and has been instrumental in my denunciation of christianity as an adult. His ideas regarding mimesis/mimetic contagion and the founding myths of religion were initially difficult to grasp as someone who was raised in a Christian, albeit liberal, household. To quote Jeremy from Peep Show, "It's like the Jesus and Mary Chain; kind of intimidating at first, but once you get it, there's just so much to explore." Every human should read this man's books.

Further, anyone not familiar with the story of Appolinus and the beggar should google that shit.

Oh, and I am going to take part in a Seance/Come as your favourite serial killer party in a few weeks.

Psyched to die.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Grimey Rappist

I love 90's rap, hate basketball.
(Click names, see vid)

These are some of the ones I was most into. For whatever reason, the conscious, afro-centric shit always appealed to me most. I was such an idiot, and definitely would have worn one of those big Africa necklaces to compliment my xxl cross colours jammers. Fuuuuuck.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

No Scrubz

Here are some bands I've been listening to lately(Click the names to see videos):

I've loved these dudes since I saw their video for North Facing Window on The Wedge. They've got a few stinkers for sure, but Kombinator and Winning Hearts are true gems. 

Slept on this band during my teenage years for some reason. They've also got some snooze-fest shit, but more hits than misses. I accidentally typed Superchink into the above link, then erased it.

A band I never slept on. Integrity has aged well for a relatively cut-rate 90's hardcore band. 

I've never heard a bad Morphine song. A two stringed bass, a saxophone, drums, and lots of heroin. Oh, and an on-stage overdose/death. 

Thanks to Zach for showing me this band. I like the later records too, when they went from being awesome looking skins to looking like a bunch of new wave fruits. Real good band.

First heard these dudes on the Ataque Sonoro comp "A Network Of Friends." I'm not all that into records right now, but I would pay top dollar for this one. 


Vacant State

I play bass guitar in a band called Vacant State. We are recording an LP to be released this year on Deranged Records. I think the new songs are our best ones, although certainly not a departure from the by-the-numbers early Boston HC, or particularly Last Rites' sound. Still, if you have to ape a particular sound, hard to go wrong with Boston in 1982. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Beat My Guest

I've always thought David Shrigley was kind of funny. 

The one below made me spit Orange Crush on the keyboard. 

On a less comedic note, I've never found Mediumistic artist Madge Gill's drawings to be funny. More terror inducing. I wonder if Nick Blinko was a fan.......

"She claimed to be guided by a spirit she called "Myrninerest" (my inner rest) and often signed her works in this name. The figure of a young woman in intricate dress appeared thousands of times in her work, and is often thought to be a representation of herself or her lost daughter. She drew this woman in various moods and appearances, almost never showing her entire body, and with her clothes interwoven into the surrounding complex of lines and patterns. She rarely exhibited her work and never sold any pieces out of fear of angering "Myrninerest". After her first son, Bob, died in 1958 she started drinking heavily and stopped drawing."

Although best known for portraits and fancy stuff, Hans Holbein the Younger's engravings are tight. His painting "Christ In The Tomb" is also a gnarler, and on the cover of a recent copy of Dostoevsky's The Idiot. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


"Her distaste for her husband apparently began when he insisted on hanging a picture of his ex-fiancee, Jessie Guishard, on the wall of their first home, and also named his boat after her. Guishard, whom Albert described to Ruth as "the finest woman I have ever met", had been dead for 10 years."

The death penalty is almost as socially archaic and ass-backwards as the concept of "Just War."


In Amsterdam I was allowed to peruse an early edition of the Martyrs Mirror. It belonged to the director of the Mennonite exchange program I was on, and had been in his family since it was published shortly after 1660. It recounts the killings of many Anabaptists and Mennonite people from Western Europe, including some of my own ancestors from Fryslan. Click the link above to read it.

"who promised that Gilles could help him regain his squandered fortune by sacrificing children to a demon called "Baron"

"Gilles De Rais was born sometime in 1404.  He married Catherine de Thonars on the 30th of November 1420, arrest by the Church.  He began alchemical studies under the instruction of Gilles de Sille, a priest of St. Malo. Montague Summers believes he sacrificed around eight hundred children and quotes the proceedings of ecclesiastical high court in which a Dominican priest named Jean Blouyn took over as the delegate of the Holy Inquisition for the city and diocese of Nantes."
(Taken from Crowley's banned lectures)

Monday, January 17, 2011

"Eventually we realized that most people are too weak to handle the intense HATRED and nuclear VIOLENCE that we bled through our instruments."

Ross Bay Cemetery.

A seriously tight spot for walks, talks, ultra satanic ritual abuse, and the most invyrted and grym nature worship. The urban legends surrounding this place are many, and include such noteworthy British Columbians as Michael Dunahee, and the greatest Canadian metal band of all time, BLASPHEMY

A few years ago, rumors circulated regarding the involvement of the infamous Temple Of Set in the abduction and supposed cult ritual abuse of Michael Dunahee. I remember being in my third grade computer class, playing Oregon Trail when our teacher announced that a boy had been abducted in Victoria. I can't remember if I crossed the river, hunted for buffalo, or bought supplies after he broke the news. 

Another interesting tale is recounted (fictionally???) in a book by once esteemed Canadian psychiatrist Lawrence Pazder, titled "Michelle Remembers". Michelle purports to have been abducted very near to where Dunahee disappeared, and taken into one of the crypts in Ross Bay Cemetery, through a hatch (which actually does exist), and down into a network of labyrinthine tunnels where she endured many years of the most true cvlt ritual abuse. Heavy vibe, but is it true? I want this book!