Wednesday, March 2, 2011



Deuce Seven is ill. Pirate punks are the worst. I'm feeling really tired and sad, and it's times like this that I wish so bad that I had a dog or a cat. Maybe even a fish.....anything but a snake or a possum. Fuck both those animals. Instead I have three plants that are clinging to life, despite having been fed liberal doses of birth control pills. Google that shit son!


Alessandro Papetti is a stone cold killer. Shit rules. Heavy vibe in the second one from the bottom. I explored a real cool abandoned building near to where I sometimes scribble on trains. There was one room basically just frozen, like the people had just up and left. The rest of the place was all fucked up, and someone even did a poo in it! Yuk! Took lots of pictures and when I get them dvlpt I will post them here.

Here's a dude who raps:

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