Sunday, May 22, 2011

Photo Jenny

Here are some pictures I took over the past couple of weekends. Wasted Youth Gang-FTW.

Here we have Mr. H. Pockets doing badness.

 06. Saw this one today, 5 years later, probably in the same yard that it was done. Could very well have been to Mexico, Miami, or Missouri since then.

GOD ROX! Not too sure about that, incredibly awesome piece regardless. A miracle of colour/composition. 

One of my favourite hangout spots. It's an old and shitty bridge over the Fraser River near Hope, BC. Today i sat on the beams and read a book about something. Best spent afternoon in a minute. 

This is nearing the top of one of the supporting beams. The ladder is sketchy as fuck, and there's at least 80 feet of it below where this picture was taken, but the view from the top is real cool. The bummer thing is climbing through a tiny hole onto the top of this pillar, kind of like the Lion's Gate. 

Rick is still raging wildly out of control. 


Here is a Hoary Marmot. He was really upset at me for coming too close to his hangout, and wouldnt stop chirping. Sorry for the crappy pic.

Here is a fancy Squirrel. Funny how a single woodland creature can bring back all kinds of silly memories and sad feelings. Win some, lose some. Ce la vie. 

Black Capped Chickadee on my hand. FTW!

More to come. In an hour, goo time.

Go-it-go-it-go, it-do-it-do-it-do/Look at my wild restless body

I've been into T-ara for a minute now. On Mother's day me and Peggy, and a special friend went to the Westender for dinner, and I finally asked an actual Korean what the name of the band was who sang the "go-it-go-it-go" song was. T-ara! There are tons of other awesome Kpop bands, but I think T-ara  and DalShabet are the best. They're like the Pipettes but not middle-aged English byrds. Peggy really liked the Korean food, and got  more than a bit drunk on Chum Churum, which, as is the custom with most Korean things, is the cutest name for a punishing alcoholic beverage.

Click HERE to see T-ara, and HERE to see DalShabet.

Possibly the cutest any human has ever been, ever. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Complete and Total Baldness/Nag Champa/Ripping Metalum

I will be completely and totally bald in a couple of years, tops. I'm already well on my way, despite having the longest hair I've had in years. Eventually I'll just embrace it, but for now I'm fighting it with all I've got. I want one ultra huge dreadlock coming out of the top of my head, like the dude from Steel Pulse or whatever....this fool......

Obviously my dread will be blonde, and I'm not asian.....nor would I ever be caught dead in a salmon hued shirt. Ughhhh. 

Been listening to this while I run lately.....

Click here to here to watch a video. 

I think the Vancouver goth craze is kind of done, but how tight would it be to show up at a friend's house warming party in this? Oppressively cool.

On the nonsense tip, I saw the following creatures this past weekend:

John Waters > Life

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lately I've been working with a youth who is experiencing severe drug-induced psychosis. He sees an entire world that isn't there, and has created the most intricate and well-researched stories about himself and his everyday life. He's absolutely brilliant, and if he wasn't my client I'm sure we would be good friends. We have a lot in common, and spend long periods of time talking about music and girls while eating lunch at Stepho's. He believes completely that the things he's seeing/saying are true, and that he is in fact a famous music producer working daily with the world's most well known artists. His entire reality is a complete fabrication, and I can't imagine how nice it must be to live in such an innocent, cathartic way. 

I ran for 12 kilometers on Saturday, and did 134 pushups. Then I ate alu tikki and three samosas from New Bhaia. 

Rick the cat caught a crow on Monday afternoon. He brought it into the house flapping wildly, and let it loose in the kitchen. My poor mother was unable to wrangle the thing, and after some time Rick captured it again and lied down with it in the back yard. He eventually killed it, and refused to share it with Lucy before coming inside again and destroying some of my mom's flowers. 

The picture above is of a goose outside Whole Foods. He was walking around honking and hissing at people and eventually tried to cross the street. He made it about half way, and then turned around and came back to his spot outside the entrance to the parking lot. Exciting!

The Duck rules. 

Gorditas in Greenwood is what's good. 

The last weekend I spent in Vancouver was in November.