Monday, April 25, 2011



Feedback Booth: Accordion Shaped Penis=Major No-No

This weekend was really tight. I had adventures, saw tons of cool animals, climbed mountains, drawed, worshiped Tiamat, and took pictures of fruity stuff. Here are some:

These carved joints were just hanging out on some birch trees in the complete middle of bumfuck Saint Elsewhere. Literally miles from anything other than cowboys, gay cowboys, cows, and mooses. 

1989. Killer year for young Christopher. I remember getting a Red Huffy bmx that had this stick-shift thing to change the gears. It was the talk of the neighborhood....until it got stolen by the local skid, Brian N. Brian was a bad person. Malicious, ill intent, depraved. All words that spring to mind. Anyways, asshole stole my bike, and when my sister's older headbanger friend Leanne found out about it......oh buddy! She was right pissed. Like....."That fucking goof is going to give your bike back, youunderstandddd!" A day later my bmx was back in the shed, floming, and Brian N is still a mark ass dickhead. That's real beef.

1987. Another killer year, I'm sure...but my only memory from 87' is of a funeral. This duder from my parent's church named Jason. I didn't really know him....he was quite a bit older than me, and died in a car accident. His parents were awesome. Kind of hippy-ish mennonite people typical of the congregation at LMF. The funeral seemed kind of fucked to a little dogg though. So, after the ceremony and the burial or whatever, we went to dinner at the parent's house. They lived on this cool old farm in a super cool house. For dinner we had an entire roasted pig with an apple in it's mouth. It was on the massive dining room table, and even at the age of 5 I couldn't help but think...."that looks like a human being, and we just buried someone, and I feel weird eating this." I'm sure I ate it, I was chubby. After dinner we went downstairs and checked out the deceased son's room. The door to the room was a legit pivoting bookcase that swung out from the wall to reveal the ultimate teenage bone-zone. No windows, posters of motorcycles, fast cars, babes in ultra high-cut g-strings, and videos like Risky Business. True perfection. 

"Chris No"
Finding this was real creepy. Like, wandering through some trees in the middle of an ultra-satanic ghost town, and my name is carved into a tree, clearly by some ancient, inverted kvlt worshiper of beastial warlust. 

Here Be Boxcars

Really feeling the vibe of this barn/gate/inverted nature-worship painting. Not sure what the artist was intending, but it's definitely very very old. Possibly babylonian. 

This juvenile troll was found creedling about on a patch of snow,  clearly having recently been granted the most godless, arcane and grim wisdom from his overlord DAGON. 

Ducks are among my very favourite things, and 
here we have a stylishly attired pair or Hooded Mergansers. Out for a paddle in their new spring finery. I feel like the male has a heavy steampunk vibe. The Common Merganser is actually much less common than the hooded joint. I've never ever seen one, but will lose my mind if I do. 

This is a green-winged teal. Perfect outfit! 

This is a male harlequin duck...not to be confused with a male wood duck. This is the only one I've ever seen. I almost cried. 

This is a mountain goat. I saw my first one of these dudes this weekend too. We were walking up this gross and super steep clear cut and I asked ------ if I could use the binoculars. The first place I looked I saw this asshole! All mangy. Serious nature weekend. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Nig Heist

Inverted Wasteland.

Feeling nostalgic. By a huge margin, my all-time favourite band. 

I've been into running lately. I'm a runner now, that's my whole vibe. My first run lasted 15 minutes, and resulted in an exhausted Goo. A week later and I can comfortably run 7 km's, and hopefully by June will be up to 10km's. It would be tight to be able to run 2000 km', fuckin' run to San Francisco to visit friends, then run back. I think I would need better shoes. My joints are only a couple weeks old and are already blown out. Nike. Caca.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hot New Look

What's fresh for Spring? 


Rick's behavior has taken a turn for the worst. He's never been an easy cat to deal with, and now he's started peeing in my mom's sink. She'll be getting ready for work in the morning, putting on makeup or something, and he will hop up on the counter and quickly pee in the sink, all while staring right at her. He's a total freak, and I might have to take him for a while, because he'd never pull that shit with me. 

Is It Wicked Not To Care?

 ER/Easy Recognition/WY Brothers/Negativ Trend

John Easley '89'
Probably the oldest moniker photo I've seen this year. John Easley is also the man reponsible for Coaltrain. 

ER/Easy Recognition/Wasted Youth Bros/Neg. Trnd.

ER/Easy Recognition/Retard Strength

I love this dude's work for obvious reasons. 

Big Bad Leroy Drown.

Highpockets flycasting has improved markedly as of late. If everything goes according to plan, he, chad, and I will be hopping a freight train this Friday, bound for somewhere far away! This one is from 06, and I'm real stoked on it. 

The Solo Artist.


"I've got a philosophy....and maybe I'm wrong...or..or... maybe my philosophy is fucked up ok?....but there's two things I do not like....and these make me a bum....that's Responsibility, and Authority. I'm serious. I mean...I'll....I'll give you anything I've got...if you ask me for it, or I'll do anything you want me to, if you ask me to do it.............but if you tell me I got to do it...there's something inside me....and I've been this way since I was a child.....there's something inside of me that, fuck this motherfucker."

Coaltrain '07'
Another favourite of mine. Sometimes his hair and moustache are filled in, and I prefer that to the outlined version. This is by John Easley, who's been doing these for many years, although the OG Coaltrain was an old black hobo, who didn't lie, cheat, or steal....or something along those lines.


Ugly Bat.


Rail Road Rally? 
Never seen this one before. Not sure about the name, but it's kind of a snoozefest. 

Ox '97'

Pretty sure dude is local. Cool shit. 

Chimney Fox '01'?
My first and only time seeing this. I think it's tight, and was on a really strange Union Pacific car. 

Golden West.
Marysville WA. is such a dump. I was there two weeks ago, scribbling, and the whole town is so incredibly bleak. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ask Me About Staying Asleep

Here are more flicks from my friend Gone Fishings' site. The Rambler 'Port Of Beaumont Texas' is such a score. I caught a John Easley from 1984 the other day. Bonerrrrr!!

I've never been a huge fan of most metal. As ripping as bands like Autopsy, Blasphemy, Darkthrone, Celtic Frost etc....were/are, it's never really been my jam. But MARDUK is a different story. I've always loved Marduk, and I think Panzer Division Marduk is the most raging BM record since Deathcrush. 

You know who else rules? 


They never released a slowburn, and had one of the best vocalists in hardcore. Classic band, and you can download some HERE

Speaking of awesome vocalists.....


My all-time favourite hardcore band, bar-none. The vocals on the UW 7" are so blown-out and shredding that it almost hurts to listen to it, especially on Ignorant, the first UW song I heard, courtesy of Shay, many moons ago. It always surprises me when people who are into punk or hardcore don't know about these dudes....shit is SEMINAL!

Here's a video:

Here's a download: