Monday, October 31, 2011


-ZB, 2011

This weekend I saw a Snowy owl. Hardly an every day occurance!

I also watched some footage of the last (known) living Imperial Woodpecker. Crushingly depressing.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Black And White

Murky Lurking

"Out of my way, doggs are living."

Here's a good spot by the ocean to hang out. When it's pouring rain in Vancouver, it's usually decent here.

These are Dowitchers resting in some sky-juice.

The man in front of me at Famous Foods bought seven bags of non-medicated chicken feet. There was a gross filmy substance left on the counter afterwards, and I winced when the cashier dragged my vegetables through it. 1st world problems......Harrrrsh!

Dennis, Houston TX 80' of my favourite monikers. So subtle, but you know Dennis was an old hobo with a face like a catcher's mitt. . 

Surf's up?

Peep form on true freaky rage dogg HP's, acting out while moving at 100 miles an hour!

If I had to live in the suburbs, this is where I would want to be. An old British Columbia Electric Railroad station, that someone has turned into an awesome living space/studio. Easels everywhere, cats lurking, and rail service right outside the door. The BCER ran from Vancouver to Chilliwack, and there are still a few cool station buildings around, including an awesome abandoned one!

I recently drove around Langley, Abbotsford, and Chilliwack on a day off. It made me feel a little bit sick to see all of the old places I used to hang out, break stuff, ride bikes, and smoke cigarettes.

The Langley Civic Centre is still much the same, save for a new paint job and less lurkers. We used to drink in the woods adjacent to the parking lot before seeing cut-rate punk bands play. I remember doing mean things to DBS when they played. Once we were spraypainting the back wall with some anarchy signs or some shit, and the police rolled up. Myself, and three friends ran across the BMX track and hid in the woods beside the graveyard. My friend Trevor gave me a cigarette, and I smoked most of it the wrong way around before noticing that the entire filter was gone, and festering in my lungs. Oof.

The old Langley Skatepark is still there. When they built it, people were so hyped. It didn't take long for a newer, better park to be built, but the old spot is not without its charms. I did a solid hours worth of slappy noseslides there the other day, and didn't see a single other person. It used to be crushed with sprays some Acrow and Raise, but now it's just ugly grey crap.

The lake on 16th avenue, just West of 208th street. One of the better hang out spots as a teenager. Close enough to home to walk, water to swim in, turtles to wrangle, and a dock to sleep on if one so desired. I still like going there, even if there's no booze being drank, girls to talk to, or psychedelic journeys to embark on.

Zero Avenue and 272nd Street in Aldergrove. My and my friend Keith used to go fishing here. My parents would drive me to Keith's house, on Friday after school, and pick me up on Sunday before church, which I reluctantly attended, covered in dirt, fish guts, and campfire smoke. Keith lived on this amazing acreage with funny animals like pigs and cows and lots of Jack Russell terriers. I swear there was like.....hundreds of them. Maybe not. We would ride bikes with Keith's older brothers and this idiot named Jeremy, to Zero Avenue, where there was a stream that seemed to always be full of fish. We would catch tons of them, and put them in buckets, which were a hassle to get back to Keith's house. Once home, we dumped the fish into their manmade lake to catch again some time, although I never once caught a trout there, despite hundreds of attempts. All I ever caught were these gross catfish. Hurting. One time Jeremy jumped off a swingset backwards, trying to land in his feet, but ended up getting caught somehow. He broke both of his arms, and used this an excuse as to why he was kind of fat, but had the skinniest arms. Like I said, the guy was kind of a fool.

8th Avenue and Lefevre road in Abbotsford. Tight spot to hang out. Nothing around except creatures and a pond, and some big rocks to sit on.

Oh yeah, that art show is November 18th. Cheap tall cans and expensive art.

Accidentally spoke to an old friend the other day at work. I called this great organization to get some info on a program, and they answered the phone. It's crazy how even exchanging the banal minutia of life with someone you think is rad, can make your week. Sincerely hope you're doing well.

Ricky is wild as fuck.

Don't be a stranger.

Never better/acting wild, Goo.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Reefer Madness

Today ruled on so many levels. Good pals, good weather, riding on top of trains, painting on them, drinking 40's, hitting a BNSF reefer in the Lower Mainland? No lie.

Older womyn > younger womyn

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Tonight i saw my first original Herby moniker on a train. Im not sure why but it was really sad. I didnt take a picture of it, but i drew a big circle around it so that people will see it and hopefully not paint over it. The date on it was 11/16/ he must have been in his early 80's when he did the marking. Something neat about an old man sticking to his hobbies and doing illegal shit in a train yard, hiding from the authorities and ducking the power. I wont live to be that old, but maybe the marks i leave on trains will, and some young post apocalyptic cyber punk will see them and laugh at cats barfing on inverted crosses or whatever i decide to paint.

Also, i was already on every single car in the yard tonight, with marks from 2009. Wonder where theyve been to in the past couple of years. Guess I'm doing something right.

Earl Sweatshirt can rap.

Waiting around for someone who might never wise up sucks. If they only knew. Come onnnnnnnn.

Compline Service at Christ Church Cathedral has become part of my Sunday routine. Boxcars in the morning, wheaties in the afternoon, Compline at night. It's very dark and ominous, and the incense makes me sneeze. Monks sing songs, and old people look wise.

I start volunteering as a 'Vision Mate' with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. I get to read books to visually impaired folks on Friday and Saturday nights. Psyched. Still no luck volunteering with seniors. Every volunteer coordinator I speak to is convinced that I'm a PP toucher or some shit. They can't understand that a 29 year old man would rather hang out and play crib with seniors than get drunk at the Roxy with his frosted-tip homies. Dummmmb.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Art Show Fruits

Also, there is an art show that i have a couple things in. It will be at the Goods, on Broadway a block East of Main. I think its November 15th or 16th. Lots of drinks, maybe some juggalos. Some of the artists will be these dudes:

Logan Morrison
Deuce Seven

Etc.....all cool shit, all for sale, i think. I really dont know shit and I'm greened out watching The Office. Cool story bro. When i know more ill post it here.

Feist x Vacant State collab.

Record Release show:

Vacant State
Big Crux(minutemen and big boys stylee)
Criminal Code(olympia homies, best current band)
Consequence Crew(were from the neighborhood...)
Sick Charade(raw)

360 Glen Drive

Punk Time

Bring money for touring bands.


No racism, sexism, homophobia, or anti catism.

Work is busy, been painting lots, getting an awesome raise, growing long hair and beard of shame still, reading books you don't care about........Signed up to play
rugby again, tryouts should be a breeeeze.

Missing some friends. One more than the rest. If anyone has a time machine, get at me. 5th time's a charm? Hope all is well.

Doing a two week cleanse. Oof.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Downtown Hotel

Vacant State record release show. November 5th, with good bands from Seattle/LA, Olympia and here.